Devotional Poetry Commission

Winning Bid: $11.00

This auction is under proxy bidding.

Item condition: New



Taqerisenu will create two poems each for the top two bidders for this service. Devotional poems for two Kemetic deities or themes of your choosing! Typical style is free-form poetry, without rhyme or meter, but she can also do rhyme and meter if the commissioner prefers! Poem will be sent digitally, but can also be sent in the mail as a paper craft, if requested.

Retail Value: $10.00 (US) [$5.00/each]

Shipping: Winners will receive the poems within 14 days if emailed. If paper craft version(s) desired, the projects may take 30 days and price can be discussed with Taqerisenu depending on the type of paper craft.

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: bornforthestars

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
b*************s July 31, 2022 2:44 pm *******
k********e July 31, 2022 2:44 pm ******* Auto
k********e July 31, 2022 10:00 am ******
Auction started July 31, 2022 9:00 am