We are pleased to bring you these fantastic images from our 2019 Processional Gathering in Dayton, Ohio!
With the permission of the appropriate Names – we are happy to offer the following photos for purchase. These photos will be printed on high quality matte finished paper and sent directly to you!
To order, please download this file, fill it out, and email it to Ihhyensenu at [email protected].
- Bast & Ra (BR1)
- Bast (B1)
- Ra (R1)
- Sekhmet-Mut (SM1)
- Wepwawet (W1)
- Heruakhety (H1)
- Sekhmet (S1)
- Sekhmet (S2)
- Sekhmet (S3)
- Set (S4 –free wallet sized)
- Hethert (H2)
- Hethert (H3)
- Bast (B2)
- Set (S5)
- Nebt-het & Serqet (NS1)
- Nebt-het & Serqet (NS2)
- Serqet (S6)
- Yinepu (Y1)